The Fair Tax Resolution Passed: Thank Your Legislators!
We did it! State legislators voted to put the fair tax amendment on the November 2020 ballot, giving every voter in Illinois the opportunity to weigh in on whether the Fair Tax is right for Illinois.
We need to thank our legislators for taking this step to put Illinois' fiscal house in order.
A Fair Tax amendment to our state constitution will help lift the burden from middle-class and working people and raise fair, adequate revenue by requiring wealthy people to pay their fair share toward strong communities and schools. This is a historic opportunity for reform.
The opposition to the Fair Tax has been fierce and for many legislators this was a difficult vote. It is important that we thank our legislators for doing the right thing in the face of misinformation and political pressure. If your state representative voted YES, please thank them.
If your state legislators voted NO, let them know you're disappointed—and that you'll be voting YES for the fair tax next fall.
Please take one minute today to contact your legislators by sending them an email.
We are one step closer to the Fair Tax in Illinois! Let's celebrate this victory by the more than 300 member organizations of the Responsible Budget Coalition by letting our legislators know we stand behind them in supporting the Fair Tax and will take our support to the ballot.
Your Contact Makes a Difference!
Thank You!